Monday, April 2, 2012


So, today, I found a shirt that covers up all my NEW holes. What a crazy way to think of it?! It's the first time I consciously counted the holes left in me by this surgery - the physical, visible holes, anyway.
8 - eight new holes. The magic number. 2 small holes, 4 medium holes, and 2 VERY LARGE holes. That's a lot to cover up with one cute little summer top.
For those of you trying to get an idea of what you can expect after your surgery, let me elaborate. The 2 small holes are from the tubes the morphine traveled through to get directly to the source if the pain, one on each side under the armpit. The 4 medium holes are where the drains were, 2 on each side under the arm pits, and the 2 large holes - yes, they are the actual double mastectomy scars, where my nipples and areola used to be.
At this point, 3 weeks out, only the 2 small holes are close to being completely healed. It's surprising to me how sore and delicate the drain holes are. My doctor never addressed using much on them for healing or scar prevention. I felt they were slightly infected due to the redness and tenderness to the touch, so I have been applying Neosporin once a day to these holes.
The large scars across my chest are healing very nicely, but they form long "ridges" where the nipples should be. This leads to awkward moments while getting dressed each morning! Almost every shirt I own is either too tight, too light, or too see-through!  You may find that the best type of top is one that hangs loosely and gathers at the top or neck area. I will post a bunch of photos soon!
I hope you are all enjoying  your spring break! :-)

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