Isn't that the expression used today, by teenagers when their friends say something unbelievable, or unexpected? Today, I went to hug my friend, who's been picking on me all day, goodnight/goodbye, and I'm guessing my elbow accidentally poked him in the ribs (still not sure). He actually says, "Man, that hurt! Felt like someone actually ripped my chest in half!" Said with so much drama and "whoa is me."
REALLY?! REALLY???!!! Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Because I DO! Mine's been ripped in half twice so far, and in a few weeks we're doing it all over again...So, how did that feel??? Describe that to me, and I'll let you know if it really did feel "LIKE YOUR CHEST WAS RIPPED IN HALF!" Frickin' baby!!!
Sorry, that's all i have to say about that! Sleep well, kids.